
Learning…and Learning…

So, I’ve shared with you that my goal in the New Year has been to learn or try something new every week. Here’s an update:

I’ve taken classes in genealogy, writing short stories, fighting writer’s block, doing voiceover work and clutter-free living. (I signed up for a class on making focaccia – and showed up along with 20 other folks – but the instructor was a no-show. Does that count?)

Arizona Dreaming

I was in Arizona briefly this month, and had forgotten how much I love that country, its red hills dotted with saguaros and sage already starting to bloom.

The occasion was my Aunt Bonnie’s 80th birthday, and we had a blast! I met some of her friends and got reacquainted with my cousin Suzy and her husband James, who were visiting from Florida.

A Brief Break from Winter

It’s amazing what a week of rain and milder weather will do to a foot of stubborn snow. After two full months on the ground, it’s almost all gone! And what a revelation – the giant white lump in the backyard has morphed back into a barbecue grill. Maybe I’ll even use it this weekend.

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